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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Palembang: Arts and Culture

Remember the Pempek food, so the same origin of remember where my favorite food is coming from. Yup Pempek is derived from the region of Palembang. 

Palembang is located at 2 ° 59'27 .99 "S 104 ° 45'24 .24" longitude. Location of Palembang is strategic because it passed by the road linking the Trans Sumatra between regions in the island of Sumatra. In addition there are also in Palembang, Musi River, which traversed Ampera Bridge, which serves as a means of transport and trade across regions.

Due to its strategic location, would not be surprised if Palembang became one tourist destination for domestic and international tourists. This makes me interested to know the arts and culture from Palembang. Let's find out more inside!

Since ancient times, Palembang is a cosmopolitan port city absorbs neighboring as well as foreign cultures and influences. The influences and cultures of coastal Malay, inland Minangkabau, Javanese, Indian, Chinese, and Arab, has created rich Palembang culture. Throughout its history, Palembang has attracted migrants from other regions in the archipelago, has made this city as a multi-cultural city. Although today the city had lost its function as the major port city in the archipelago, the remnants of its heyday still evident in its culture. Most of its population was then adopted the culture of coastal Malays and Javanese. Even now it can be seen in its culture and language. Word such as "wong (person)" is an example of Javanese loanword in Palembang language. Also the Javanese knight and noble honorific titles, such as Raden Mas or Raden Ayu is used by Palembang nobles, the remnant of Palembang Sultanate courtly culture. The tombs of the Islamic heritage was not different in form and style with Islamic tombs in Java.

Art and culture of Palembang, among others:
  1. Art Dul Muluk (traditional drama performances Palembang)
  2. Dances "Tari tapak Tiga" and like Gending Sriwijaya held a reception to the guests, and dance that was exhibited in Tanggai wedding reception
  3. Regional Songs such as Dek Sangke, Cuk Mak Ilang, Pempek Lenjer, and Ribang Kemambang
  4. Traditional House of Palembang is Limas House and House Raft
  5. Ornamental boat festival and competition in the River Musi bidar

Limas House
Palembang also held a variety of festivals every year, among others "Sriwijaya Festival" held in June in order to commemorate Palembang Anniversary, Bidar and Ornamental Boat Festival celebrates Independence Day, and various festivals commemorating the Islamic New Year, Month of Ramadan, and New Year's Day.

Wow, it appears that Indonesia is rich in culture. So there wonderingwhat else I could learn about culture, art, food and other attractions.

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