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Monday, February 7, 2011

Bali is an island paradise

Bali is an island nation that became part of Indonesia. Bali island is famous for its tourism water like a beach with white sand and ocean with the waves. Bali is often referred to as the island paradise. Quite often people who want to see the beautiful island with a population that is very warm-hearted.

Bali has a unique traditional culture such as music, dance, traditional clothing, food and traditional houses. Balinese traditional music has similarities with traditional music in many other areas in Indonesia, for example in the use of the gamelan and various other percussion musical instruments. Nevertheless, there are peculiarities in the technique of playing and his composition, for example in the form kecak, namely a form of singing that supposedly mimic monkeys. Similarly, a variety of gamelan are played even unique, for example Jegog Gamelan, Gamelan Gong Gede, Gambang Gamelan, Gamelan Gamelan Semar Selunding and Pegulingan. There is also music playing for ceremonies Ngaben Angklung and Bebonangan music played in a variety of other ceremonies.

Balinese society in general embraced Hindu religion is Hindu Dharma, also called the Balinese Hindu religion, because since the birth of the religion in Bali and the majority of adherents are the people of Bali. Previously the Balinese call their religion is a religion Tirta, this belief is the result of mixing of the Hindu religion of Java with native Balinese religion. So often there will be many religious celebrations in Bali.

Paradise island bali designation makes more famous in the world. Bali even has become the number one destination in the world. enjoy the beauty of the island of Bali.  

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