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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My New Batik Shirt

Batik Pekalongan
Best shopping in the beginning of the month. New addition to payday certainly in my purse full of money. today I intend to hunt for clothes.

After I got home from work taking the time to go to the mall or shopping center. while along the shops located in the building I hope there will be sale. women are identical as the name sale, because in addition to cheaper goods in the can could be more.

For 10 minutes I finally browse existing store I fell in love with one on display in a shop window. Beautiful dress with batik motifs pekalongan.

Currently batik not only admire the parents, because batik currently have many matching combined with contemporary fashion. so if it is identical to the first batik robe not anymore. Especially since dikukuhkannya batik into art and Indonesian heritage by UNESCO and in tetapkannya 1 day of the week is Friday became a day of national batik so for me at least one employee must have 1 to batik clothes I wore on that day.

Batik consists of 3 types of batik,  write, stamp and batik painting. Based on the origin of batik is also diverse, there pekalongan batik, batik solo, Batik Yogyakarta, Madura, and so forth. that is before me today is batik pekalongan. calculated to preserve the culture of my own country could also trendy with batik which I will wear.

With a big smile to my first 2 points that I love the country itself and that the two I can fairly cheap price from the seller. So next Friday I will be wearing my new batik shirt.

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