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Friday, May 20, 2011

Palace of Versailles in Paris (Petit Trianon)

Petit Trianon

Visited various countries in the world is my biggest dream. The first thing I would want to see when I travel to various countries is the culture of each country such as art, food, architecture and history.

As usual, I will not give up so easily. for me to learn the uniqueness of each country wishing I could go from anywhere, including books, maps and even the Internet. for me to learn a science will never be in vain. so even if have never visited the countries which I mean but I'll keep the spirit to continue to seek and explore the science by learning everything I want through the internet.

This time I want to learn an architectural design of the Petit Trianon. So do not go anywhere...

Petit Trianon designed by Ange-Jacques Gabriel by the order of Louis XV for his long-term mistress, Madame de Pompadour, and was constructed between 1762 and 1768. But Madame de Pompadour died four years before its completion, and it was subsequently occupied by her successor, Madame du Barry. Upon his accession to the throne in 1774, the 20-year-old Louis XVI gave the château and its surrounding park to his 19-year-old Queen Marie Antoinette for her exclusive use and enjoyment, which was undoubtedly one of the best things he could have given her. Marie longed to escape Louis and his court, and he gave her just the place.

Petit Trianon is a celebrated example of the transition from the Rococo style of the earlier part of the 18th century, to the more sober and refined, Neoclassical style of the 1760s and onward. Essentially an exercise on a cube, the Petit Trianon attracts interest by virtue of its four facades, each thoughtfully designed according to that part of the estate it would face. The Corinthian order predominates, with two detached and two semi-detached pillars on the side of the formal French garden, and pilasters facing both the courtyard and the area once occupied by Louis XV's greenhouses. Overlooking the former botanical garden of the king, the remaining facade was left bare. The subtle use of steps compensates for the differences in level of the château's inclined location.

Marie Antoinette would come to the Petit Trianon not only to escape the formality of court life, but also to shake off the burden of her royal responsibilities. At Versailles, she was under considerable pressure and judgement from both her family and the court, and the Petit Trianon was her place of ease and leisure where she could rest from those trials. Since all was "de par la Reine" (by order of the Queen), none were permitted to enter the property without the Queen's express permission (not even, it was said, Louis XVI). Such exclusivity alienated the court nobility, which she did very willingly, since only the queen's "inner circle" (including the Princess de Lamballe, and Gabrielle de Polastron, duchesse de Polignac) were invited.

A house of intimacy and of pleasure, the building was designed to require as little interaction between guests and servants as possible. To that end, the table in the salles à manger was conceived to be mobile, mechanically lowered and raised through the floorboards so that the servants below could set places sight unseen. The tables were never built, but the delineation for the mechanical apparatus can still be seen from the foundation.

Within the queen's apartment, one discerns Marie Antoinette's incessant need for privacy: the decor of her boudoir displays an inventiveness unique to the age, featuring mirrored panels that, by the simple turning of a crank, can be raised or lowered to obscure the windows. Her bedroom, although simple, is also elegant in accord with her general style, provided with furniture from Georges Jacob and Jean Henri Riesener. The wallpaper was painted by Jean-Baptiste Pillement.

I agree if this place is very convenient. This is illustrated through an excellent design. So want to have a house like that ... hehehe ... So about a utopian, but what's wrong with a bit utopian? Who knows could come true. The most important thing is to realize the dream came true as he prayed to God may be achieved ... Amen.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Raja Ampat Islands Is Beautiful

Raja Ampat Island
The wealth of Indonesia is no doubt. One of Indonesia's wealth that makes me chuckle in awe is an archipelago of Raja Ampat in Papua. This time I want an online tour to the island is beautiful and still unexploited.

The archipelago is a series of four adjacent group of islands located in the western part of the Bird's Head (Vogelkoop) Guinea. Administratively, this group is under the Raja Ampat, West Papua Province. Islands are now a destination of divers who are interested in the beauty of the underwater scenery. Four islands are members named by the four largest islands, namely Pulau Waigeo, Misool Island, Salawati Island, and Island Batanta.

The origin of the name of Raja Ampat by local myth comes from a woman who found seven eggs. Four grains of which hatch into four princes who separated and each became a powerful king in Waigeo, Salawati, Misool East and Misool West. Meanwhile, three other eggs became a ghost, a woman, and a stone.

In the course of history, the Raja Ampat Islands have long been inhabited by fishing communities and apply the customary system of Maluku. In this system, the community is a member of a village community. Each village is headed by a king. Since the founding of two Muslim sultanate in the Moluccas, Raja Ampat to be part of the Sultanate Tidore claims. After the defeat of the Dutch Empire Tidore, Raja Ampat Islands became part of the Dutch East Indies claim.

The archipelago is a place that has the potential to serve as a tourist attraction, especially diving tourism. Raja Ampat Islands waters according to various sources, is one of the 10 best waters for diving sites around the world. In fact, it may also be recognized as number one for the completeness of underwater flora and fauna at this time.

Visiting these islands is not too difficult although it takes time and considerable expense. We can use the airline flight from Jakarta to Sorong via Manado for 6 hours of flight. From Sorong-town big enough and quite complete facilities for exploring the Raja Ampat, there are two choices, go on tour with the boat or stay in the resort pinisi Papua Diving. Although most tourists who come to the Raja Ampat Islands are the diver's current, actual location is attractive also for non-divers as well as tourists have white sandy beaches are very beautiful, the group of karst islands nan fascinating and unique endemic flora and fauna like paradise red, bird of paradise Wilson, maleo Waigeo, various parrots and parrot, possum Waigeo, as well as various types of orchids.

To preserve the underwater Raja Ampat Islands, conservation efforts are needed in this area. There are two international institutions that concern about the sustainability of natural resources Raja Ampat, ie CI (Conservation International) and TNC (The Nature Conservancy). The government itself has set the seas around South Waigeo, which includes the small islands such as Gam, Mansuar, groups and group Yeben Batang Pele, has been endorsed as a Marine Wildlife Reserve. According to Minister of Forestry Decree No. 81/KptsII/1993, this area reached 60,000 hectares.

In addition, several other marine areas has been proposed to be a conservation area. Each is a Marine Wildlife Reserve South Misool Island, Sea Island Kofiau, sea island of Asia, the sea and the sea Darling Island Ayau Island.

curious? Do not forget to visit and you can enjoy the beauty of the exotic island!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Punic Wars Of Romawi

Roman Republic was the phase of ancient Roman culture which is marked by republican form of government. The period starts from the overthrow of the Roman Republic Roman Empire (ca. 509 BC), and followed by a variety of civil war. In the Roman Republic is also famous war called Punic War between the Roman Republic with the Empire of Carthage. Exactly when did the Roman Republic ended still not been approved by the historians, depending on the definition used. Some historians have suggested the appointment of Julius Caesar as dictator for life in 44 BC), and others propose the Battle of Actium (2 September 31 BC), and others propose granting full powers to Octavianus on 16 January 27 BC as the date of expiration of the founding of the Roman Republic and Empire Romans.

Government of Roman Republic is governed by custom, tradition and law. Broadly speaking, the government is run jointly by three parties: two consuls, the senate, and class Pleb.

The Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 B.C to 146 B.C. At the time, they were probably the largest wars that had ever taken place. The term Punic comes from the Latin word Punicus (or Poenicus), meaning "Carthaginian", with reference to the Carthaginians' Phoenician ancestry.

The main cause of the Punic Wars was the conflict of interests between the existing Carthaginian Empire and the expanding Roman Republic. The Romans were initially interested in expansion via Sicily (which at that time was a cultural melting pot), part of which lay under Carthaginian control. At the start of the first Punic War, Carthage was the dominant power of the Western Mediterranean, with an extensive maritime empire, while Rome was the rapidly ascending power in Italy, but lacked the naval power of Carthage. By the end of the third war, after more than a hundred years and the deaths of many hundreds of thousands of soldiers from both sides, Rome had conquered Carthage's empire and razed the city, becoming the most powerful state of the Western Mediterranean. With the end of the Macedonian wars — which ran concurrently with the Punic Wars — and the defeat of the Seleucid King Antiochus III the Great in the Roman–Syrian War (Treaty of Apamea, 188 BC) in the eastern sea, Rome emerged as the dominant Mediterranean power and one of the most powerful cities in the classical world.

Ptolemy XV (Caesarion)

Talk about Cleopatra VII would not be separated from Gaius Julius Caesar. Ties between Cleopatra VII with Gaius Julius Caesar that produce an offspring named Ptolemy XV Caesar PhilopatorPhilometor (nicknamed Caesarion (little Caesar).

Ptolemy XV is the eldest son of Cleopatra VII. Most likely her fatheris Julius Caesar. If so, he is a child of Caesar only.

Caesarion was born in Egypt in 47 BC. His mother insisted that he was the son of the Roman dictator Julius Caesar. Caesarion was said to have inherited Caesar's looks and manner, but Caesar apparently did not officially acknowledge him. Nevertheless he may have allowed him to use his name. The matter became contentious when Caesar's adopted son Octavian came into conflict with Cleopatra. His supporter Gaius Oppius wrote a pamphlet which attempted to prove that Caesar could not have fathered Caesarion. Cleopatra also compared her relationship to her son with the Egyptian goddess Isis and her miraculous child Horus.

Caesarion spent two of his early years, from 46 to 44 BC, in Rome, where he and his mother were Caesar's guests. Cleopatra hoped that her son would eventually succeed his father as the head of the Roman Republic as well as Egypt. After Caesar's assassination on March 15, 44 BC, Cleopatra and Caesarion returned to Egypt. Caesarion was named co-ruler by his mother on September 2, 44 BC at the age of three, although he was King in name only, with Cleopatra keeping actual authority all to herself.

During the tense period of time leading up to the final conflict between Mark Antony (Marcus Antonius) and Octavian (future Emperor Augustus), Antony shared control of the Republic in a triumvirate with Octavian and Lepidus, but Lepidus was forced into retirement by Octavian in 36BC, leaving Antony and Octavian as rivals. Two years later, in 34BC, Antony granted various eastern lands and titles to Caesarion and to his own three children with Cleopatra. Caesarion was proclaimed a god, son of god[disputed – discuss] and "King of Kings". This grandiose title was "unprecedented in the management of Roman client-king relationships" and could be seen as "threatening the 'greatness' of the Roman people". Most threatening to Octavian (whose claim to power was based on his status as Julius Caesar's grandnephew and adopted son), Antony declared Caesarion to be Caesar's true son and heir. These proclamations, known as the Donations of Alexandria, caused a fatal breach in Antony's relations with Octavian, who used Roman resentment over the Donations to gain support for war against Antony and Cleopatra.

After the defeat of Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium, Cleopatra seems to have groomed Caesarion to take over as "sole ruler without his mother." She may have intended to go into exile, perhaps with Antony, who was hoping he would be allowed to retire, as Lepidus had. When Octavian invaded Egypt in 30 BC, Cleopatra sent Caesarion, at the time 17 years old, to the Red Sea port of Berenice for safety, with possible plans of an escape to India. Octavian captured the city of Alexandria on August 1, 30 BC, the date that marks the official annexation of Egypt to the Roman Republic. Mark Antony had committed suicide prior to Octavian's entry into the capital; Cleopatra followed his example by committing suicide on August 12, 30 BC. Caesarion's guardians, including his tutor, either were themselves lured by false promises of mercy into returning the boy to Alexandria or perhaps even betrayed him; the records are unclear. Plutarch says that Caesarion had actually escaped to India, but was falsely promised the kingdom of Egypt,

Caesarion, who was said to be Cleopatra's son by Julius Caesar, was sent by his mother, with much treasure, into India, by way of Ethiopia. There Rhodon, another tutor like Theodorus, persuaded him to go back, on the ground that [Octavian] Caesar invited him to take the kingdom.

Octavian is supposed to have had Caesarion executed in Alexandria, following the advice of Arius Didymus, who said "Too many Caesars is not good" (a pun on a line in Homer). The exact circumstances of his death have not been documented; it is popularly thought that he was strangled.

Octavian then assumed absolute control of Egypt. The year 30 BC was considered the first year of the new ruler's reign according to the traditional chronological system of Egypt. In lists of the time Octavian himself appears as a Pharaoh and the successor to Caesarion.

Octavian then ruled Egypt. Year 30 BC BC is considered as the first year of a new king in accordance with Egypt's traditional calendar system. In the lists at that time called Octavian as pharaoh and substitute Caesarion.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Indonesian designer Tex Saverio

Tex Saverio
Talk about the women would not be far away from the name of fashion. In my last article I presented a French fashion of the country, now I will write a fashion the work of the nation of Indonesia.

Although compared with western countries that was already famous for designs that have been worldwide, but this time my writing will be a little refreshing thirst for us children of the nation of Indonesia as our motivation to continue working to produce other achievements in the future.

Then we started with our discussion today. So do not miss it ....

I'll explain a bit about Tex Saverio. Tex Saverio is a young designer who came from Indonesia. His name recently often discussed because his work is considered very good. This is a review of Tex Saverio.

Name : Tex Saverio
Date of birth : August, 28th 1984
Place of Birth : Jakarta, Indonesia

Educational Background :
- 2003 - 2004 Bunka School of Fashion
- 2004 - 2005 Phalie Studio

The theme is taken in every style of design is a courtesan. Tex Saverio with the theme My courtesan, every woman has the character wants to look beautiful, adored, strong and sensual. To describe the look of it, he makes reference to the courtesan, namely women among the palaces of Europe.

curious want to know what kind of his design? let's peep some of  Tex Savario design.
Jakarta Fashion Week – Dewi Fashion Knight 2010
Rio is a familiar greeting from the Tax Saverio. Tex Saverio figure is an example of a very progressive young designers in expressing the ideas fresh. He always wanted to make the woman becomes more special when wearing his work clothes.

Various fashion event attended by successfully won a talented young designer. Not only in Indonesia prestigious event even international level has also been dijuarainya. The design that made ​​its name in the fashion industry skyrocketed country. In this brand-new collection of Rio, so greetings closest friend, carries the theme with full of meaning.

According to the Concours International de Jeunes finalist Createurs de Mode (2003) that, there are 18 new dresses in the collection My Courtesan. He saw the corset style has a meaning as a beauty ideal that emit high femininity.

Narrated Rio in the 16th century European nobility of the courtesan is a woman among the Palace of Europe. Then it shifted its meaning in the century as a royal concubine. But for Rio not the side that inspires burukkaum koleki fashion design. "My Courtesan as a beauty ideal that exude high femininity," said the winner of Best Country in Councours International de Jeunes Createurs de Bijox, Paris 2004.

Courtesan is explained Rio formed from iron that is designed to follow a user's body with clothing. Views catik and beauty be realized with the use of courtesan. There are 18 collection of dresses designed. Describing glamoritas. Focus bustier shape, "said the champion winning a Mercedes-Benz Asia Fashion Award 2005 was.
Rio is expertly combines pleated-pleated, gelepai, embroidery and yarn tassels. In fact he spent the 300 meters and 200 meters organsa ribbon as a decorative fashion design details. "Three is dedicated to using the corset dress made ​​of iron. To show his trademark touch combined with a modem and looks elegant, "he said

In Rio itself create word painstaking fashion utilizing the materials used. The reason in fashion design, materials into basic capital to create beautiful work. "The use of the concept of material will make the maximum appearance busanayang designed," he explained.

Rio describes the last few years created by young designers Indonesia proliferation. Coloring fashion fashion world country that produces talented designers. "The fashion industry in Indonesia, writhing and women more concerned with appearances Want to look beautiful and graceful in all situations." he said.

The presence of young designers homeland Rio encouraging words for kamajuan fashion. Creative work and a touch of ethnic capable young designers combined to create new fashion trends.

When the past, the Indonesian fashion designers inundated the self-taught but now different. More and more emerging fashion school graduates who can score a talented designer "Starting appeared new names that have colored the fashion stage. Even in Jakarta and several cities in Indonesia began to frequently held a fashion show event. It signifies our fashion trends are not inferior to developed countries in the world, "he explained.

Do want to know more about the design? please click