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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Earthquake and The Beautiful New Zealand

This morning I heard the news there have been earthquakes in New Zealand. I remember hearing this with my colleagues from New Zealand. According death toll from the earthquake that struck the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, Tuesday, rising to 75 from the previous 65. Around 300 people were declared missing while the number of those who are trapped behind rubble is unknown.

Wednesday morning, 15 people trapped in the ruins of the 15 storey office building was saved. "They're still alive. We continue to look for people who are trapped, "said a spokesman for the local fire department in a radio interview.

Previously, local media reported one person put out alive from under the ruins of an adjacent building.

Prime Minister of New Zealand, John Key, said the government has declared a state of emergency nasisonal. "This (emergencies) make this country focus to mitigate the impact of disasters in the shortest time possible," he said after a cabinet meeting following the earthquake measuring 6.3 magnitude.

At least eight buildings collapsed in the earthquake, including the iconic Christchurch Cathedral stone buildings in downtown.
In my memory, New Zealand is a country that is still filled with green carpet of plants with a cool climate, even my dream to travel there made me realize that things in nature had to be on guard and be properly maintained. I am very concerned over this and hope my friend Hillary will be in good condition .. amen.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Angklung Spectacular

This weekend I decided to just sitting at home resting. During the week I have to stick with the routine office work that makes me feel tired.

Laze around while listening to music that I listen to the radio. my mind a little imagined that my desire to become a singer. I really wish that buried since childhood. but all wanting a bit asleep in my heart.

Above the stage a musical instrument can not be separated from the music itself. Various musical instruments will be combined with each other match that will produce a music that ciamik course. Even today modern musical instruments which we used to see various performances at Collaborate with traditional musical instruments. Blend modern with traditional musical instruments will produce a more unique music of course. Talking about traditional musical instruments, this reminds me of a traditional musical instrument of Indonesia. Musical instrument I mean the angklung.

Angklung is a musical instrument multitonal (dual pitched), which is traditionally grown in the Sundanese-speaking community in the western part of Java Island. This musical instrument made of bamboo, sounded shaken by (the sound caused by the clash of bodies bamboo pipes) so as to produce a sound that vibrates in the arrangement of tones 2, 3, and 4 tones in every size, large or small. Barrel (tone) musical instrument Angklung as Sundanese traditional music is mostly salendro and pelog. Angklung is listed as Masterpieces of Oral Heritage and Human Nonbendawi of UNESCO since November 2010.

Remembering this makes me think how beautiful when collaborated contemporary rock music with angklung. What about results? Spectacular ..

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dodol For Valentine Gift

Month of February is a month full of love. Called the full moon of love because they do not escape from a celebration of Valentine's Day.

Valentine's day is a special day to celebrate the most beautiful emotion on this universe called Love. This is the best time when you can express your deep love and affection with different creative ideas and make the day memorable for that special one. Some unspoken words in the form of valentine's day greeting cards or love quotes can do magic in your love life. Celebrate the spirit of love and togetherness with a special message in the form of love poems or romantic valentine sayings.Your mind might be cluttered now with thoughts about various valentine's gift ideas to impress her/him.

If valentine identical with chocolate or flowers. This time I want a little bit different. I want to reward someone who I loved with a gift that comes from my own country.
Dodol Durian
My choice this time fell on the Indonesian traditional food called dodol. Dodol is a kind of food that are categorized in sweet foods. To create high-quality dodol quite difficult because the manufacturing process is long and requires expertise. The materials needed to make dodol consist of coconut milk, rice flour, granulated sugar, brown sugar and salt.

Type dodol turns out that there are various dodol Garut, Betawi, dodol with a sense of sirsak, durian, dodol Kandangan, dodol taste apples and others.

Why did I choose dodol? Because I like dodol.

My New Batik Shirt

Batik Pekalongan
Best shopping in the beginning of the month. New addition to payday certainly in my purse full of money. today I intend to hunt for clothes.

After I got home from work taking the time to go to the mall or shopping center. while along the shops located in the building I hope there will be sale. women are identical as the name sale, because in addition to cheaper goods in the can could be more.

For 10 minutes I finally browse existing store I fell in love with one on display in a shop window. Beautiful dress with batik motifs pekalongan.

Currently batik not only admire the parents, because batik currently have many matching combined with contemporary fashion. so if it is identical to the first batik robe not anymore. Especially since dikukuhkannya batik into art and Indonesian heritage by UNESCO and in tetapkannya 1 day of the week is Friday became a day of national batik so for me at least one employee must have 1 to batik clothes I wore on that day.

Batik consists of 3 types of batik,  write, stamp and batik painting. Based on the origin of batik is also diverse, there pekalongan batik, batik solo, Batik Yogyakarta, Madura, and so forth. that is before me today is batik pekalongan. calculated to preserve the culture of my own country could also trendy with batik which I will wear.

With a big smile to my first 2 points that I love the country itself and that the two I can fairly cheap price from the seller. So next Friday I will be wearing my new batik shirt.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Delicious Gado-gado

Hungry because lunch hour has come? hmm I tried to eat the traditional food of Indonesia. There are many foods that do not trasional Indonesia lost when the contest with food outside.

Want to eat? confused because many Indonesian traditional foods are good and should try one of whom was Gado-gado, salted fish fried rice, pempek, meatballs, pecel and more.

Too long to think makes me more dizzy to choose a favorite menu and the stomach is not willing to compromise because of hunger. Finally I decided to choose a jumble into my lunch menu today.

Gado-gado is one food that came from Indonesia in the form of vegetables, boiled and blended into one, with a seasoning or sauce of crushed peanuts with sliced egg and fried onions sprinkled on top. Slightly fried chips or crackers also been added.

Gado-gado is almost similar to salad but the difference is used peanut sauce. The materials used for this peanut sauce can also vary any more if the peanut sauce added a spicy chili will taste twice as delicious.

Intrigued by the taste? Guaranteed delicious ...

And now I'm satisfied.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Visit National Monument

Jakarta citizenship does not necessarily make me know the ins and outs of this city of my birth. There are many places that rarely even I had never visited.

The place I rarely visit one of them is the National Monument commonly called MONAS. Monument is a monument as high as 132 meters (433 feet) which was established to commemorate the resistance and the Indonesian people's struggle for independence from the Dutch East Indies colonial administration. Construction of this monument began on August 17, 1961 under the orders of  President Sukarno,  and opened to the public on July 12, 1975. The monument is crowned with flame-coated gold leaf that symbolizes the spirit of the glowing struggle. National Monument is located right in the middle of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta.  Monuments and museums are open every day starting at 08:00 to 15:00 West Indonesia Time.

Until the end I decided to tour the weekend to visit the place historical it. Intrigued by the contents of the building? Let us look-see ....

At the base of the monument at a depth of 3 meters  below ground level,  there is the Museum of National History of Indonesia. Large space museum of history of national struggle with the size 80 x 80 meters wide,  can accommodate about 500 people visitors. This marble great room there were 48 dioramas on all four side sand 3 diorama in the middle, so that a total of 51dioramas. This diorama shows the history of Indonesiasince the pre-history to the New Order. This diorama begins from the northeast corner moving clock wise journey tracing the history of Indonesia; begin the pre-history,  the ancient empire like Srivijaya and Majapahit,  followed by European colonial period that followed the resistance of the pre-independence national hero against the VOC and Dutch East Indies government. Diorama continues until the period of the Indonesian national movement of the early 20th century, Japanese occupation, wars of independence and the revolution,  until the New Order of Suharto's reign.

Inside the monument there is cup-shaped amphitheater Independence Room. This room can be achieved through spin ladder in the north and south side doors. The room is storing state symbols and independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Among the original text of Indonesia's Independence Proclamation stored in a glass case inside the gilded gates, the symbol of the state of Indonesia, a map of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia archipelago gold plated,  white and red flag, and the walls are inscribed the manuscript Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

An elevator (lift) on the south side of the door will bring visitors to the court of the peak size of 11 x 11 metersat an altitude of 115 meters from ground level. Thiselevator transport capacity of 11 people once. Court of  this peak can accommodate about 50 people,  and there are binoculars to see the panorama of Jakarta closer. In the elevator around the body there is an emergency staircase made of iron.   From the top court of the Monas monument,  visitors can enjoy views across the city. If the sunny weather conditions without smoke haze,  in the direction to the south visible from a distance of Mount Salak in Bogor regency,  West Java, stretching north sea with small islands.

National Monument at the top there is the cup that sustains bronze torches weighing 14.5 tons and 35 Kilograms of gold coated. Flame or torch, measuring 14 meters high and 6 meters in diameter consisting of 77 sections that are put together. This flame as a symbol of the spirit of struggle of the Indonesian people who want to achieve independence.  Initially the flame is coated sheet bronze gold weighing 35 kilograms, but to welcome the celebration of half a century (50years) Indonesian independence in 1995, gold leaf wasre-covered so as to achieve weight 50 kilograms of gold sheet.

So do not admit people Jakarta if have never been to the Nasional Monument.

Bali is an island paradise

Bali is an island nation that became part of Indonesia. Bali island is famous for its tourism water like a beach with white sand and ocean with the waves. Bali is often referred to as the island paradise. Quite often people who want to see the beautiful island with a population that is very warm-hearted.

Bali has a unique traditional culture such as music, dance, traditional clothing, food and traditional houses. Balinese traditional music has similarities with traditional music in many other areas in Indonesia, for example in the use of the gamelan and various other percussion musical instruments. Nevertheless, there are peculiarities in the technique of playing and his composition, for example in the form kecak, namely a form of singing that supposedly mimic monkeys. Similarly, a variety of gamelan are played even unique, for example Jegog Gamelan, Gamelan Gong Gede, Gambang Gamelan, Gamelan Gamelan Semar Selunding and Pegulingan. There is also music playing for ceremonies Ngaben Angklung and Bebonangan music played in a variety of other ceremonies.

Balinese society in general embraced Hindu religion is Hindu Dharma, also called the Balinese Hindu religion, because since the birth of the religion in Bali and the majority of adherents are the people of Bali. Previously the Balinese call their religion is a religion Tirta, this belief is the result of mixing of the Hindu religion of Java with native Balinese religion. So often there will be many religious celebrations in Bali.

Paradise island bali designation makes more famous in the world. Bali even has become the number one destination in the world. enjoy the beauty of the island of Bali.  

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Famous Architecture in Indonesia

The type of architecture is very popular in Indonesia is religious architecture. Although religious architecture spread across Indonesia, the art of architecture is growing rapidly in Java. The influence of religion in Java sinkretisasi extends into architecture, resulting in architectural styles that berkhas Java for religious buildings of Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, and to the people of the small number of Christians.
A number of religious buildings such as temples, which are often bulky and designed a complex, many built in Java on the glory days of Hindu-Buddhist kingdom of Indonesia between the 8th century until the 14th. The oldest Hindu temples are still standing in Java is located in the Dieng Mountains. Previously estimated there were about four hundred temples in Dieng are now only eight left temple. At first, the building structure in Dieng-building are small and relatively simple. However, the level of proficiency in the Java architecture has been increasing. Within two hundred years the kingdom of Mataram was to build the Prambanan complex near Yogyakarta, which is considered as an example of Hindu architecture in Java, the biggest and best.

Borobudur, a Buddhist monument listed in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site, built by the dynasty dynasty between the years 750 to 850 AD, but later abandoned shortly Borobudur instantly ready built, referring to the current pullback Buddhism and transfer of power to the next east Java. Famous Borobudur has a large number of interesting sculpture-sculpture which features a story which, if observed from the ground level to the top level is the metaphor of the gain enlightenment. With the decline of the kingdom of Mataram, east of Java became the center of religious architecture with a very interesting style that reflects Siwaisme, Buddhist and Javanese influences, a fusion that reflects the characteristics of religion throughout the island of Java.

In the 15th century, Islam had become the ruling religion in Java and Sumatra, the island's most populous. Such as Hinduism and Buddhism before, foreign influences who participated this new religion to accommodate and interpret such a way as to produce the styles of architecture that berkhas Javanese mosque.

Swimming at the Seaside in Italy

Monteroso Bech
The wonders of sea air provide some of the healthiest fresh air, known for their regenerative properties; the sea air is a relief and a healthy escape from city life.Italy is a peninsula extending into the central Mediterranean Sea, northeast of Tunisia. Its 7,600 km of coastline have some of the most beautiful beaches in the Mediterranean, the Ligurian Sea, the Sardinian Sea and the Tyrrhenian Sea, in the west the Sicilian Sea, and the Ionian Sea in the south and the Adriatic Sea in the east. 

The Mediterranean hosts some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Italy's beach resorts attract more and more tourists year after year, for it is said the Italian beaches are like treasures to discover and behold. The beach resorts were home to many tourists during the summer season, today many now claim this their year round home.

After exploring the cities, touring the lakes and walking in the mountains, the beaches are the perfect place to relax, unwind and reflect. Most of the year the beaches are sunny, and with 7,600 miles of shoreline bordering Italy and its islands, you can easily find waters where the temperatures are ideal for swimming. Miles upon miles of golden, sun drenched sand, in some places up to 1 km deep. The sea welcomes the sun seeker in comfort and style. An array of colours, which one can quickly identify by the rows of neatly laid out sun umbrellas and deck chairs, which seem to almost dot the entire seashore.

Italian Art

Italy has a long recorded history that the biggest problem facing the traveler is to choose among the nation's endless cultural attractions. All main centres, most of the provincial cities and many quite small towns have museums. Of all the countries in the worls, there is none more magical than Italy, a traveler's dream destination. Ancien monuments and archeological sites are perfectly preserved; the museums are bursting with the genious of Italy's finest sons: Raffaello, Michelangelo, Tiziano, Canova; contemporary architects are still inspired by ancient buildings and squares (piazze). Italiancities are veritable living museums.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites - Italy

According to UNESCO, the United Nations' cultural branch, two thirds of the world's historical artistic heritage are in Italy. Tuscany, which is only one region of Italy, by itself possesses more artistic treasures than the whole of Spain, which is the second country in the world for cultural heritage. Practically all major styles of Western architecture can be found in Italy.

The following Italian sites have been placed by UNESCO on its World Heritage List:
1980, 1990