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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Batik Trusmi Cirebon

Batik is one of Indonesia's cultural heritage is already well known in foreign countries. Batik Indonesia has many styles and motifs, depending on the place of origin. 

One of the places producing beautiful batik is Cirebon.Batik city of Cirebon has a characteristic thick in the color. Unlike the Solo, Cirebon has bright colors and motifs more typical of the coastal range. The motive of the most famous of Cirebon is a mega cloudy - cloud motifs with various color. 

History says, the motive was thick with Chinese culture. In the past, Sunan Gunung Jati who spread the religion of moslim in Cirebon is married to a queen from China named Ong Ong Tien Tien. Queen bring a lot of Chinese art objects cloud motif. 

The motive was later developed into mega batik cloth cloudy. The philosophy of the motive was thick with religious nuances. In China, the cloud is defined as "State top" the abode of the gods. Meanwhile, in Cirebon, overcast cloud motif is a symbol ketuhanan.Produsen in Cirebon batik Trusmi centered in the Village, District Plered, Cirebon. There, various batik seller you can find. Not only that, you also can see the craftsmen producing batik cloth. Even more fun, you can purchase inexpensive batik directly from the hands of a memorable mereka.Dua batik boutique is Nofa Batik and Batik Selsa. Batik batik Nofa provides a variety of cotton and a beautiful glass. Batik is smooth as silk but the price is relatively cheap. For two yards of batik cloth, you only need to spend only 50 thousand rupiah. 

Batik Nofa also provides a variety of batik Sarimbit (couples). For Sarimbit batik cotton doby, you can get 4 yards of batik fabric (2 yards for women and 2 meters for men) and the scarf at a price of 150 thousand rupiah. Sedangkan Selsa batik boutique provides a variety of batik with a variety of motives such as fans, butterflies, and many more. Batik that has the colors are very beautiful, and the average sale price of 300 thousand rupiah. 

Come hunting in Cirebon batik!

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