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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Saturday night at the Venetian Macau

Macau behold amazing. Chinese administrative regions of the small territory that was filled with majestic hotel building complete with a super-spacious casino. I happened to arrive in Macau at the weekend so it gets a chance to feel the pulse of the city is so alive.

With the lights, can not be denied, Macau is a small version of Las Vegas of Asia. Of the entire casino is there, the Venetian Macao casino and hotel is the most magnificent. Incidentally, there are concerts that I seek are located on the Cotai Arena is located in one area of ​​the Venetian Macao.

One thing that exciting of Macau is a free transportation, every hotel has a shuttle bus that "hung" at airports, ship terminals, and hotels affiliate. So that's what I did. From the airport, I immediately catch the shuttle bus belongs to the Venetian Macao. Once set foot in the hotel lobby, my mouth gaping to see the magnificent interior. Golden globe in the middle of the lobby and Renaissance-style painting took me like actually being in Italy. As a fan of Korean dramas, I feel like Geum Jandi is also stunned to see the beauty of this hotel in the drama Boys Over Flowers.

The first one I visited of course the casino. I'm not a fan or a gambling addict. I realize gambling is not good for the health of the bag. But it feels incomplete if a holiday in Macau without trying to play at the casino. Win or lose, just think of the experience.

An amateur gambler By default, the first machine I went to the slot machine jackpots. About three thousand slot machines spread out in every corner and between the gaming table. Heads so dizzy, which should be tried first?

Apparently, the weekend is the time the population of China and Hong Kong on vacation and gambling in Macau. Just imagine, nearly eight hundred tables with a variety of card games and dice full! I also suddenly heartburn once saw the lowest number on the card game baccarat betting, HK $ 100! (approximately USD 150 thousand). Well, better melipir yuk! Why yes I am more than willing to go broke shopping spending money at the tables of this green.

One thing that makes love is for-for free drinks. When was watching the game, suddenly I was approached by a casino waiter. Apparently, the drinks were distributed free of charge to the players. The choice is orange juice, soda and water. Orange juice and soda served in glass, so it can not be included in the bag.

As a tourist, I chose to take a bottle of drinking water. Not bad for lunch the streets! But, then my water bottles made ​​souvenirs because the bottle is specially designed with the logo of the Venetian Macao. Souvenirs knee capital!

Out of the casino, I climbed to the second floor and headed straight for St. field. Mark filled with rows of shops and boutique branded with prices 20% -30% cheaper than the prices in shops and authorized boutiques in Indonesia. Looking down the rows of shops, in the middle there is the San Luca Canal complete with gondola and opera singer. Crossed to try the gondola but canceled because of a sudden did not feel confident to be alone, only accompanied by the opera singer on the gondola.

After the tired down the rows of shops and boutiques, and filling the stomach at the food court coolest I've been to, I went back to the Cotai Arena. Apparently, the audience had crowded the four entrances. Ticket queue was super long, though, is still about a half hour concert begins.

I chose to wait outside while enjoying the unique costumes and make-up of other spectators. And the bonus again. The weekend truly unforgettable!

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